
Our Commitment to Children's Success, Get to Know Us

Welcome to LuOR Solutions, where education is an exciting adventure! We're passionate about nurturing young minds, inspiring creativity, and building a strong foundation for a lifetime of learning.

  • Dedicated Educators:

    Our passionate trainers are the heart of our organization. They bring expertise, creativity, and a genuine love for children to the classroom every day.

  • Engaging Curriculum:

    Our curriculum is thoughtfully designed to meet the needs of young learners, making learning a delightful and meaningful experience.

  • Safe Environment:

    Safety is our top priority. We take care of all safety measurements while the students do the work.

  • Community Involvement:

    We believe that education extends beyond the school walls. We actively engage with parents, families, and the community to create a supportive network for our students.


Discover Our Most Popular and Loved Learning Adventures

Where education is an exciting adventure! We're passionate about nurturing young minds, inspiring creativity, and building a strong foundation for a lifetime of learning.

AI and ML

AI and ML

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) represent an important evolution in computer science and data processing that is quickly transforming a vast array of industries.

Robotics and IOT

Robotics and IOT

IoT and robotics, if combined, can revolutionize work and life, while robotics for automation has existed for decades, adding IoT into the mix has changed the game for the industry.

Design Thinking

Design Thinking

Design thinking solves problems with user-focus through empathizing, defining, ideating, prototyping and testing.

STEM Education

STEM Education

STEM education is a teaching and learning approach that is a unique combination of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics.


If you’re not online, you’re not marketing

We love what we do and we love helping others succeed at what they love to do

Web Design/Development

Web Design/Development

Custom programming for most complex functions you can think.

Domain & Web Hosting

Domain & Web Hosting

We build your online store using a flexible, modular platform that allows

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Our Mission

At LuOR Solutions, our mission is profound: to provide a safe, inclusive, and dynamic learning environment where every child can thrive. We believe in fostering a love for learning, encouraging curiosity, and instilling values that extend far beyond the classroom.

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Who We Are

Founded in 2023 ,LuOR Solutions has been a cornerstone of quality education for children aged 2 years - 16 years, serving the community with dedication and pride. Our team of experienced educators is committed to delivering innovative, engaging

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Our Approach

At LuOR Solution, We understand that every child is unique, and learning should reflect this individuality. That's why we offer a holistic approach to education that goes beyond textbooks and tests. Our curriculum is designed to spark 21'st Century Skills. .

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Corporate Partners

Aligning credible CSR programs with desired impact outputs. Customizing programs for children with the objective of customer & employee engagement.

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Government & Foundations

Transforming a nation of job-seekers to build a generation of job creators through partnerships with governments & foundation.

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Schools & Institutes

Customizing our comprehensive entrepreneurship learning ecosystem to meet the needs of individual schools and colleges.

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Secure Your Date for a Workshop

Welcome to LuOR Solutions, where education is an exciting adventure! We're passionate about nurturing young minds, inspiring creativity, and building a strong foundation


Parent’s Feedback

Review 4.9/5.0

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Behind Every Great Student is a Great Teacher

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